Seat Open : click on it in online poker, choose the amount you want to bring to the table (your cellar), within the authorized limit (which will be indicated to you) then validate.
Short Stack : A player is said to be “short stacked” when he is the one with the smallest amount of chips on the table.
Showdown ( showdown ) : Showdown is the showdown, which takes place after the last betting round following the River if at least two players are still in play. In the showdown, the hands that the players can form are compared. with the seven cards they have: the two private cards, plus the five cards on the board. A player can use his two private cards, one or none to have the best five card hand. If the five cards on the board represent a player’s best hand, they are said to be playing the board.
Sit and Go : tournament that begins as soon as there is the required number of players (to be opposed to regular: at a fixed time)
Sit Out : In online poker, the player has the option of reserving his place at a poker table without participating in certain rounds. However, the number of turns during which the player can vacate his seat is limited. In games including blinds (forced bets), he may be required to pay the amount of the blind if he plans to release his place before having to pay his forced bet. To vacate your seat, all you have to do is check the corresponding box on the poker table. To get his seat back, the player just has to uncheck the sit out box.
Spades : Spades
Stakes (blind structures) : These are the blind structures, for example “$ 0.25 / $ 0.50”, ie the small blind will be $ 0.25 and the big one will be $ 0.50. The “stakes” largely influence the amount of pots that will be totaled at a table.
Stud : stud poker designates open poker where each player receives the first hidden cards, followed by the face up cards, which are respectively intended for each player. The 5 card variant of stud poker is the most common, but there is also the 7 card variant, where the 7th card is hidden.
Suited (straight flush) : Straight of the same suit .
Table Stakes : refers to the value of tokens each player has at the start of the game.
Texas Hold’em : variant of poker where each player receives two down cards, followed by five face up community cards.
Third Street : refers to the third card to stud and the first round of betting.
Three of a kind (Three of a kind) : hand consisting of three identical cards of the same value.
Tight : Refers to the game of a player who calls only a few hands compared to all the other players.
Tournament Buy-In (Minimum entry fee to the tournament) : the sum of the tournament entry fees is donated to the common pot: the players recover their entry fees.
Tournament Entry-Fee: The entry fee to register for online poker tournaments.
Multitable tournament (multi-table tournament) : refers to the tournament in which players seated at several gaming tables, each having an identical number of chips at the start, compete, until one player wins all the chips. Award prizes vary depending on the number of participants. Tournament dates are fixed in advance and require players to register in advance.
Tourney (tournament) : Icon to access online poker tournaments.
Turn : refers to the fourth card common to Hold’em and Omaha pokers.
Up Card (visible card) : card whose side is visible to all players.
View Lobby : Use this button in online poker to bring up the main window, the “lobby”, although you can also click on the bottom bar of your screen in Windows.
Video poker : This is a poker-based machine where the player must achieve the best possible combination in two rounds. Based on poker, this type of game adds a strategic dimension to the beasts of slot machines.
Wait : number of players on the waiting list for this table (the one highlighted, the one you selected).
Waiting List : The “waiting list” allows you to wait for a place to become available at the (therefore full) table to which you wish to participate.
Zoo : Said of a fierce game (especially in tournaments), when all the players bet and raise a lot.
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